Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This is long overdue, but I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped out on this grand adventure. It’s really too long a list to name everyone individually, but you know who you are: family members and friends who sent food, money, and words of support, folks who visited me on the trail and provided magic for me and other hikers, my employer for offering work when I return and generously providing postage while away, and anyone who helped support Elizabeth and Camille while I was away. I also want to thank my mom and dad specifically for introducing me to the outdoors at an early age and always encouraging my adventures, and my grandparents for helping install virtues like self-reliance and a love of discovery and travel. And of course, I want to thank Elizabeth for allowing me to go and supporting me without hesitation the entire way – without her this trek would still be an idle dream. I also want to thank anyone who followed this blog and cheered me along. No matter how tough it got, quitting was not possible while so many people were behind me.


Mom Rairigh said...

Shawn...I'm sure everyone who has followed your blogs, supported you in so many ways, and just thought about you all the time can honestly say it was a TREMENDOUS experience for all of us...I cried, laughed, became melencholy and thoughtful many time when I read your thoughts and reports...I am a very proud mother and love you very much....Mom

Anonymous said...

So I just read the last of your blogs and I just want to say how excited I am for you...I don't think life is complete without amazing experiences and then being able to share them with others...congrats!
