Thursday, March 06, 2008


Absurd is how I felt about the trail today, which happens now and then since it seems so far away from day-to-day life right now. I spent the last 2 days in Savannah for work, a town I've been visiting for several years for a few different city planning projects. Savannah is gorgeous. No matter how stressful the projects there get, its always a delight to visit that city. This trip had especially beautiful weather, and the azaleas were in full bloom, and big public meeting went really well, and left me feeling especially good about career and city life, etc.

So, this afternoon, I was looking out the window of the plane as I took off from my Atlanta connection and could see the mountains I'd be walking through three weeks from now. And it all felt ABSURD. Not crazy or impossible, just plain absurd.

However, I know that ole Philadelphia will have me back in reality within 24 hours, and reading Earl Shaffer's book about his thruhike - the first ever thruhike - in 1948 will get me back in Trail mood real quick. But then I still have to go to Savannah two more times before the trail....

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